do exercise

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do exercise

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:17:33

do exercise基本解释

做运动; 锻炼


  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. They have real high need for really active exercise so a stroll down Caine Road doesn't actually do it for them.

2. " We just punch the card for PE classes and don't do any more exercise, " Miao said.

3. I watch my weight by monitoring what I eat and drink and making sure I do some type of cardio exercise every day.

4. The center suggested residents do more physical exercise amid the persistent cloudy and showery weather to prevent colds and other illness.

5. I try to do one of these forms of exercise 30 minutes each day, and I have found the adrenalin theory really is true.

6. Trainees do two hours'anaerobic exercise and another two of aerobic exercise a day.

7. Listen to the programme and see how well you do with the exercise.

8. He said senior primary students also felt parent appreciation and participation would encourage them to do more exercise.

9. If you're too busy to remember to do this, nibble a banana or raisins right before you exercise.

10. Globally most people say cutting food intake is the best answer, followed by 43 percent who do more exercise.

1. Well, what will you do right before you exercise?

2. do exercise

2. Do you exercise on the parallel bars everyday?

3. You can be in anyplace any time do this kind of exercise.

4. do exercise

4. Do you exercise more than two hours a day five day's a week?

5. To do the exercise like that is one kind of creationary thinking activity, so it needs to master correct reading methods.

6. Therefore, yoga training, do not feel it, a static aerobic exercise.
树式 因此训练瑜伽不会感到很,一种静态的有氧运动。

7. Now I'm a pulil and I'm trying my best to be a good guard of protecting environment, for example, to take off the TV lightscomputer on time, to clean the toilet with the water after washing clothes, to draft on the black page of exercise book, to try not to use the plastic bag, to send e-cards to my classmates, not to play games on the internet, not to eat the wild animals and to tell my friends to do so, not to freely feed the mokeys and tigers in the zoo and so on.
偶是1名小学生,我正在努力做一名环保小卫士,比如,及时关闭电视,电灯,计算机,不上网玩游戏,用洗过衣服地水拖地,(clean the toilet,用作业薄的背面演草,尽量不使用塑料袋,给同学们发电子贺卡等等,不吃并且告诉周围的淖朋朋友不吃铱诎旺动物,在动物园里不随便给可爱的猴子老虎等投食物等等当然,我知道要想保护自然环境还有好多方面,还需要先进的技术和管理经验,所以我长大了要报环保专业,(for a living planet而永远努力(希望用到take off the light /take off the TV/power source/plastic

8. do exercise

8. If you know your journey can't allow you do exercise in.

9. do exercise的解释

9. We should take the lead to do exercise.

10. It is necessary for you to do more exercise.

11. do exercise是什么意思

11. It is good for you to do exercise usually.

12. Its relatively simple, reduce your intake of calories and do more exercise.

13. Come 3 years, each district of the Anhui province takes storage facilities construction seriously generally, build, transformed a batch of storehouse, commissariat is bought, safety stores ability enhances; to acquire apparently, replaced a batch of facility, store level of carry exercise mechanization, automation raises; apparently but also put in a few problems that not allow to ignore, need to improve knowledge further, do well program, aggrandizement management, will build storage facilities to build devoted mechanism length effect. 1 main effect saves state-owned food company nearly 3 years to throw 1.01 billion yuan to be used at storage facilities to build in all completely (finance 70 million yuan, the bank borrows money 190 million yuan, the enterprise prepares 750 million yuan of) oneself, among them 578 million yuan use one million one hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred tons at building Cang Rong, occupy 8% what appearance of total storehouse of state-owned food company saves completely by 2004, year the 1.8 times; 2.88 that all adds Cang Rong newly to be allowed to add a storehouse newly 2004 uses 100 million yuan 100 million yuan at transforming a storehouse to allow twelve million six hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred tons of; 1.44 to be used at providing clear miscellaneous facility 1181 stage, conveyer pound of 1865 stage, ground 890, gather up suck.


14. It's very good to do a blood test before you begin your new diet and exercise regimen.

15. do exercise

15. It's necessary to do large amount of exercise, if you want to learn English well.

16. do exercise什么意思

16. Increase the amount of aerobic exercise you do.

17. do exercise的解释

17. Rohr, do you wish to exercise challenge for cause?

18. do exercise在线翻译

18. I do early exercise every day, so that I can have strong body to protect you.

19. STEP 1: Do this exercise on a gentle slope.

20. Mountain climbing, it is best to start up in the morning, you bus to the village of camel under the cherry after the morning because so many people will climb to exercise, so you take a look at the number of people that is the alley uphill Way, way up the mountain, some very formal, that is, be able to see that it is a spare enclosure to the mountains, very gentle way, that is a bit long, do climbing, do go on to lose the meaning and feeling, so can Select a little steep road, but they may not like the way just the way it has, there is no cement, and some are stone road or dirt road is simply that in the past is not the way, but those who take more, it has become a way, so Is not difficult to find, when climbing to the attention of stop-and-go, rest breaks, is the best and a few friends, put on dry food and water to climb together, this is the case, or to have a look after each other, act as long as the road On the road trip, do not take the grass is no one on the road to reach the OK, the saying goes down easily into the mountains is difficult, so the clothes to wear as much as possible on those who wear light clothing and shoes that, if slow uphill climb will be a An hour or so, probably will be able to, on a hill, although not very high, only a few hundred meters high, but down from the hills to see or feel very good, I have to go to college to work for a year now, a total of Went to four or five times now!

  • 临近词
Do you want to do exercise with me?(你想跟我一起做锻炼吗?)
Whether you are pretty or not, you should regularly do exercise and maintain physical activity.(不管长得漂亮还是难看,都要经常锻炼身体,保持身体活力。)
Do exercise 20 on page 75.(做75页上的练习20。)
Yes, they often do exercise.(是的,他们经常锻炼。)
I'm so exhausted that I can't do exercise anymore.(我太累了以至于再也没法锻炼了。)
How often do you exercise?(你多长时间锻炼一次?)
Do you take regular exercise?(你经常锻炼吗?)
If it's really cold outside, you might even try a quick shower to get you warm before you do exercise.(如果外面真的很冷,你甚至可以试着在运动前快速冲个澡让自己暖和起来。)
He eats unhealthy food and doesn't do exercise.(他吃不健康的食物并且没有做锻炼。)
Via the media, we are constantly bombarded with suggestions to be slim, do exercise, and feel fit.(通常媒体,我们不断地被各种各样的建议所包围,诸如要保持苗条、要锻炼身体、还要保持好的精神状态等等。)
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